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function Selector

Function Selector

调用函数时,前 4 个字节calldata指定要调用哪个函数。


以下面这段代码为例。它用于在地址 处call执行transfer合约addr。

When a function is called, the first 4 bytes of calldata specifies which function to call.

This 4 bytes is called a function selector.

Take for example, this code below. It uses call to execute transfer on a contract at the address addr."transfer(address,uint256)", 0xSomeAddress, 123))

返回的前 4 个字节abi.encodeWithSignature(....)是函数选择器。



The first 4 bytes returned from abi.encodeWithSignature(....) is the function selector.

Perhaps you can save a tiny amount of gas if you precompute and inline the function selector in your code?

Here is how the function selector is computed.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

contract FunctionSelector {
function getSelector(string calldata _func) external pure returns (bytes4) {
return bytes4(keccak256(bytes(_func)));